Call me on 9899791337 for SEO and Web Design needs. I am a digital marketing expert, providing design and promotion services. Here are few tips to succeed with your web design and SEO.
Think about the audiences: Demographics, ease of use, ability to connect. The Web isn't about markets it's about audiences and they need to be engaged. If your website fails to engage, you have lost the battle on the first step.
Give your Website a Personality- Does your website lack uniqueness? No personality, Boring! This means you are missing the new Web, you’d better get out and look for a professional web design agency.
Target the Senses! -Compelling content, call to action content, an audio and video presentation that will stick in people's heads are all features that all small and big businesses are going to employ on their websites.
Emphasize more on Experiences rather than website Features: What people really buy are experiences, and they look for positives ones. Websites that explain the experience your product or service delivers will be a step ahead over others who offer plain text.
Mix Emotion with Logic: Gone are the days when businesses were appealing only to the practical, logical, aspects of sales, is all about pushing the feel good aspects of emotional marketing.
Think of creating Memories Not Promotions: Real and profitable marketing is all about creating long-term clients and mutual beneficial customer relationships. Coupons, sale promotions, or deep discounts are short term methods.
Think Marketing Not S.E.O.: Are you loosing good clients at the cost of rankings? Websites built and designed with the customer in mind are going to rule.
Think Bounce Rate Not Hits: It's no longer about how many unique hits you get on your website, it's about how long people stay. What good is the website if it’s getting many hits but visitors are not remaining on your site long enough to get your marketing message across?
Provide Stories Not Sales Pitches: Nothing is more informative, engaging, like a genuine story and we will see more emphases on this rather than sales pitches
Aim at Focusing rather than believing ‘Chaos is King’ in SEO: Focus your right communication and SEO techniques. Avoid mass increasing of backlinks, low level SEO tricks might harm your ranking.
Formulate result oriented Campaigns rather than Ads: Isolated one-time advertisements lack meaning, long-term campaigns that tell your story and deliver your focused marketing message will create better impact.
Avoid Hypes- Are you saying you are the BEST? Guess what? Nobody cares, and nobody believes you. The only way to show people you're the best is to prove it by your work. Use a real marketing message instead.
Decrease the shop-talk: Even b-2-b businesses are changing their mundane and boring messages and making them for engrossing and creative.
Think Communication, Not Copy: Last but not least, remember, websites are all about communication. So make sure your message is clear and communicated properly. Stuffing your Web pages with keywords might win the battle for 1 day but not for the entire year and years to come.
Think about the audiences: Demographics, ease of use, ability to connect. The Web isn't about markets it's about audiences and they need to be engaged. If your website fails to engage, you have lost the battle on the first step.
Give your Website a Personality- Does your website lack uniqueness? No personality, Boring! This means you are missing the new Web, you’d better get out and look for a professional web design agency.
Target the Senses! -Compelling content, call to action content, an audio and video presentation that will stick in people's heads are all features that all small and big businesses are going to employ on their websites.
Emphasize more on Experiences rather than website Features: What people really buy are experiences, and they look for positives ones. Websites that explain the experience your product or service delivers will be a step ahead over others who offer plain text.
Mix Emotion with Logic: Gone are the days when businesses were appealing only to the practical, logical, aspects of sales, is all about pushing the feel good aspects of emotional marketing.
Think of creating Memories Not Promotions: Real and profitable marketing is all about creating long-term clients and mutual beneficial customer relationships. Coupons, sale promotions, or deep discounts are short term methods.
Think Marketing Not S.E.O.: Are you loosing good clients at the cost of rankings? Websites built and designed with the customer in mind are going to rule.
Think Bounce Rate Not Hits: It's no longer about how many unique hits you get on your website, it's about how long people stay. What good is the website if it’s getting many hits but visitors are not remaining on your site long enough to get your marketing message across?
Provide Stories Not Sales Pitches: Nothing is more informative, engaging, like a genuine story and we will see more emphases on this rather than sales pitches
Aim at Focusing rather than believing ‘Chaos is King’ in SEO: Focus your right communication and SEO techniques. Avoid mass increasing of backlinks, low level SEO tricks might harm your ranking.
Formulate result oriented Campaigns rather than Ads: Isolated one-time advertisements lack meaning, long-term campaigns that tell your story and deliver your focused marketing message will create better impact.
Avoid Hypes- Are you saying you are the BEST? Guess what? Nobody cares, and nobody believes you. The only way to show people you're the best is to prove it by your work. Use a real marketing message instead.
Decrease the shop-talk: Even b-2-b businesses are changing their mundane and boring messages and making them for engrossing and creative.
Think Communication, Not Copy: Last but not least, remember, websites are all about communication. So make sure your message is clear and communicated properly. Stuffing your Web pages with keywords might win the battle for 1 day but not for the entire year and years to come.